Dental Care for DVA Card Holders

At Mary River Dental, we are grateful for everything our veterans have done for us. We understand how much they have sacrificed, and providing dental care to them through Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) arrangements is an honour.
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Veterans Can Benefit From a Range of Services Under the DVA Healthcare Scheme

We believe that taking care of your teeth improves your quality of life. Consequently, we also want our veterans to have access to the dental services they need. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the high-quality dental care you deserve.

Book an appointment

Book an appointment with Mary River Dental and mention that you’ll use a DVA Card for your treatment.

Present your
DVA Card

During your arrival, please present your DVA Card to the front desk so that we may check if your card covers the treatment that you need.

Enjoy your dental treatment

After your card has been verified, you can receive dental treatment without worry, as your DVA Card will cover the cost of your treatment at Mary River Dental.

Veterans can use their DVA Cards to access comprehensive dental care

At Mary River Dental, we accept DVA cards to give our veterans every opportunity they need to receive necessary dental care. With this card, veterans have access to comprehensive dental care with additional discounts.

Veteran White Card

The Veteran White Card covers medical treatment for service-related injuries and conditions for veterans. This card allows you to get certain dental treatments for free or at a lower cost at Mary River Dental.

Wide range of dental cover.

The DVA covers the cost of a range of dental services for Veteran Card holders at Mary River Dental. It includes regular check-ups, cavity treatments, dentures, and more. High-cost dental items such as crowns and bridges may require some out-of-pocket expenses.

Veteran Gold Card

Veteran Gold Card holders and their eligible dependants can receive a range of clinically required medical treatments for medical conditions. You can get the covered dental treatments at Mary River Dental for free or at a reduced rate.

Eligibility requirements.

DVA Cards are available to former or current members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF), Commonwealth or Allied veterans, Australian Mariners who served in Australia's Merchant Navy for a specific period, and eligible dependants of veterans.

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